Discover all the features of ClubShare

With ClubShare, your club will not only score points on the pitch, but also off the pitch.

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News article


Publish news articles – directly on the website and in the app. The news articles are online with just a few clicks.



A completely independent CMS: You decide what is shown where on your website.

Match operations

Match operations

Clubs, teams, match dates and much more: in a soccer club, what happens on the pitch is ultimately the most important thing.

Live ticker

Live ticker

Not on site, but live: keep your fans up to date with the live ticker.



Take your presentation of sponsors to a new level: show your fans who supports the club.



The web presence of soccer clubs is a profitable platform for local sponsors. The reach of the website is usually much higher than the classic advertising board. Seize the opportunities and generate additional sponsorship income.

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