
A completely independent CMS: You decide what is shown where on your website.

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Discover the success stories now and write your own


Individualize your website

You can choose from a variety of content elements to set up your website. These include for example: various sliders for news articles, photo albums, and videos.

The selection is constantly being expanded to give you new possibilities.

You determine the menu


You determine what the architecture and therefore the menu of your page should look like. Invisible or secret pages are also possible.

The only mandatory pages are Imprint, Privacy and Contact.


Present your teams

A special feature is the presentation of the teams. The information that has already been stored about the team is automatically displayed here.

This includes: Team photo, squad, match schedule and results, tables, contact persons and training times.


Discover even more

Your own app

App of the club in the Apple AppStore and Google PlayStore.


Publish news articles – directly on the website and in the app.


Place advertisements or show fans your merchandise.

And much more Talk to us and find out what is possible.

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