Marketing: Market your online presence

The web presence of soccer clubs is a profitable platform for local sponsors. The reach of the website is usually much higher than the classic advertising board. Seize the opportunities and generate additional sponsorship income.

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Quick & easy integration of advertising banners

In addition to the classic presentation of logos and other information about the company, such as the web address and contact details, advertisements offer even more possibilities.

Your sponsors will provide you with the ads, which you can then embed with just a few clicks in various places on the website, which we have already predefined for you.

Show supporter merchandise


Does your club already have an external online store or sell supporter merchandise at home matches? With ClubShare you can present these articles and embed them on your website.

You use the content area to determine which articles should be displayed where. You retain full control.

All advantages at a glance

Your sponsors will be pleased if they are listed and advertised on your website. With ClubShare, you can offer them further opportunities beyond visibility that increase satisfaction and draw sponsors closer to the club.

With a professional website and appropriate marketing of the opportunities for sponsors, there is also the possibility of generating new revenue. Use the radiance and reach of your club to generate revenue.

The presentation of fan articles increases the visibility of your online store.

Advertising banners from sponsors can be used quickly and easily in two predefined sizes. Different advertising banners can also be displayed on different pages.

For example, the senior side shows the sponsors of the seniors, while the youth side shows the supporters of the juniors.

In the Amateur package

ClubShare on your site

The Amateur package does not allow you to integrate your own advertisements on the website. With this package, advertising from ClubShare partners is integrated at predefined points.

This approach makes it possible for us to offer attractive ClubShare services to smaller clubs with a smaller budget. This package offers almost the full range of functions, as in the other categories.

This is financially possible for us, because we can then display our own advertising partners on the website. But don’t worry: the website will not be covered with advertising, but will be placed in certain places with restraint.


Discover even more

Your own app

App of the club in the Apple AppStore and Google PlayStore.


Publish news articles – directly on the website and in the app.


Place advertisements or show fans your merchandise.

And much more Talk to us and find out what is possible.

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